
What is Generative AI?

What is GenAI - Head of man tech illustration
Published on
September 18, 2024

Generative AI is all we hear right now, so it was only natural that we share our take on it and how its evolution has amazed us in some ways and made us think about future decisions. Only experience will tell you how powerful this kind of technology is and where its pitfalls are.

Robot Hand Supporting Brain - AI
GenAI by FeePik

Being at a tech company means staying at the forefront of technological innovation. Generative AI (GenAI) came to stay, presenting a paradigm shift, automating tasks, and enabling the creation of entirely new content. At Digital Sense, we have been working with AI for more than a decade, and the evolution of these technologies has never ceased to amaze us. If you are still navigating through AI, make sure to check out our article on 'What is AI' to get on board. Now, having an in-depth understanding what is GenAI and how to navigate its complexities is part of us, and we would love to share it with you. 

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI, often abbreviated as GenAI, represents a revolutionary shift in artificial intelligence, enabling machines to create new content autonomously. Unlike traditional AI, which relies on pre-existing rules or data, GenAI can generate novel outputs such as text, images, music, and more by understanding patterns within the data it has been trained on.

How does Generative AI work?

GenAI's ability to generate novel content stems from its proficiency in pattern recognition. By analyzing vast amounts of data, GenAI models can learn the statistical relationships within that data. This empowers them to recognize existing patterns, extrapolate, and create new content following those learned patterns.

Three pillars underpin the world of GenAI:

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs):

VAEs provide a type of creation that’s considered more controlled than GANs. They compress the input data into a latent space (finding the features and simplifying data to find patterns), capturing its essence in a lower-dimensional representation. This latent space acts like a treasure trove of creative potential. By manipulating points within this space, VAEs can generate new data variations that keep the inherent characteristics of the original data.

That’s exactly what makes VAEs so beautiful, in a way. They keep those patterns, a structured latent space, and can create a slightly different version of the same pattern for a smoother transition. 

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):

Now, with GANs, imagine a scenario where two neural networks are pitted against each other. One, the generator, strives to produce new, realistic data (like images of something that never existed). The other, the discriminator, acts as a critic, aiming to distinguish the generated data from real-world data. This adversarial training process enables continuous improvement, with the generator continuously creating more realistic outputs as it deceives the discriminator.

Diffusion Models (DMs)

With Diffusion Models, creation is based on existing data. DMs take existing data and modify it progressively by distributing or spreading certain features or information across it. For example, if you have ever used Midjourney, it shows that the image slowly becomes clear as it is generated.

Why is GenAI so important?

Generative AI is reshaping industries by automating content creation, enhancing creativity, and solving complex problems. Its importance lies in its ability to:

  1. Automate Complex Tasks: GenAI can automate tasks that previously required human intervention, such as content creation, design, and coding.
  2. Enhance Innovation: By generating new ideas and solutions, GenAI fosters innovation across industries, from healthcare to finance.
  3. Personalize Experiences: GenAI can create tailored content that resonates with specific audiences, enhancing customer engagement.

Challenges and Benefits

While GenAI offers immense potential, it also presents challenges. These include:

  • Data Bias: The quality of GenAI outputs depends on the data it is trained on. Biased data can lead to biased outputs, making it essential to use diverse and representative datasets.
  • Explainability: Understanding how GenAI models generate outputs can be difficult. Ensuring transparency and explainability is crucial for building trust and ensuring responsible use.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of GenAI are vast, including increased efficiency, enhanced creativity, and the ability to solve complex problems that were previously out of reach.

The Future of AI

GenAI is constantly evolving, but this tech is already pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Take, for example, the control of the creations. Users can provide specific parameters or guidelines influencing the style or content of the generated outputs. 

However, as we discuss the most relevant discoveries with GenAI, we should also discuss Generative Diffusion Models and Multimodal Generative Models. 

  • Generative Diffusion Models: This emerging technique achieves impressive results by progressively adding noise to an image and then learning to "de-noise" it to reveal novel and realistic structures.

  • Multimodal Generative Models: These models can concurrently generate content across different modalities, like text and images. This opens doors for applications like creating realistic product descriptions with accompanying images based on minimal input (think automatically generating a dress description and showcasing it on a model, all based on a sketch).

Use Cases & Tools

As an AI company, we love the beauty underneath GenAI, but seeing it in real life makes all the time and work worth it. GenAI has touched many industries, and its impact is incredible, but which ones come to mind right away?

  • Impact on HealthCare: GenAI simplifies information in all possible ways. In medicine, for example, it can read a patient’s health record, treatments, and medication through time, make a summary, simplify it, and even, if trained properly, make recommendations for future treatments, procedures, etc. Combining GenAI with other AI abilities like computer vision, image processing, and data analysis leads to incredible medical breakthroughs. 
  • A Developer’s Best Friend: It’s no secret that GenAI can generate new code. Software developers can optimize, create, and complete codes using GenAI tools. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. When it comes to coding, you can create your own app from scratch when using the right tool or even a set of tools. Of course, it needs supervising and dedication, but the possibilities are there, and adjustments are made daily. 
  • Enhancing Content Creation for Marketers: Content creation means finding new ways to say the same thing differently. GenAI has opened the possibility to automate content creation for different platforms, including social media posts, product descriptions, or even blog articles. By analyzing brand voice and target audience preferences, GenAI can generate content that resonates with specific demographics, saving valuable time and resources for marketing teams. Beware, though, as a marketing specialist myself, the output will be only as good as the input, so make sure you work on your prompts and what exactly you want the result to look like. 

Large Language Models (LLMs) as a Tool for GenerativeAI

When we talk about GenerativeAI with a specialized focus on text-based data, we are most certainly talking about LLMs.  These models are trained on vast amounts of text data and learn the statistical properties of language. They can understand and generate human-like text based on patterns they have learned from training data. 

As you keep training the model, it will be able to better fulfill different tasks. 

ChatGPT writing on computer
ChatGPt Created By FreePik

ChatGPT vs. Gemini: The Leading GenAI Tools

We couldn't talk about GenAI and LLMs without discussing the two prominent players: ChatGPT and Gemini.

ChatGPT has been around for a while now and has evolved immensely. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a master in text-based generation. It can generate realistic and coherent chat conversations, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content formats like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc. Its strength is mimicking human writing styles and engaging in natural language conversations. I am pretty sure that ChatGPT is our go-to for many when it comes to new ideas on writing, but it is also turning into a search engine of its own, content creator, and, most recently, translator. Just as OpenAI, Google launched Gemini, its text-based content generator. While adept at text generation, Gemini can handle tasks like image and code creation. 

To illustrate the spectrum GenAI and LLMs can be used in, we have used these technologies to develop motivational notifications for Tonal, the at-home gym solution in the USA. We have also created a custom chatbot for Guyer & Regules, the prestigious law firm, to help them innovate in their legal process. Check our success stories here

Ethical Considerations and Responsible Development

As Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility. These tools' ethical and responsible development is paramount to creating a safe environment where everyone can collaborate and get the most out of this technology. 

It’s only fair to state that everything that AI is is created by humans. Models are being trained by someone who has certain knowledge, skills, experiences, beliefs, and vision of the world. So, let’s state some of the considerations we should be aware of when managing Generative AI:

  • Bias in Training Data: GenAI models are only as good as the data they're trained on. Biases present in training data can be reflected in the generated outputs. Implementing techniques for mitigating bias and ensuring diverse and representative datasets for training is crucial.
  • Explainability and Transparency: Understanding how GenAI models arrive at their outputs can be challenging but it is necessary that it’s explained in some way or another. CTOs or any leading role at tech companies should prioritize explainable AI (XAI) techniques that shed light on the decision-making processes within these models. This also helps to understand how to provide inputs to the model. 
  • Ownership and Copyright: As GenAI generates entirely new content, questions arise regarding ownership and copyright. Clear legal frameworks must address these concerns and ensure fair attribution of creative work.

Best practices

Adopting GenAI requires not only enthusiasm but also a strategic approach that aligns with your business goals. In 2024, one of the primary best practices is ensuring a strong data foundation. Over 75% of organizations are increasing investments in data lifecycle management to support GenAI initiatives effectively. This approach helps address critical issues such as data quality, accuracy, and governance, which are essential for scaling GenAI successfully across enterprises. Even the most advanced AI models can falter without solid data management, leading to unreliable outputs and missed opportunities​.*

Another important practice is the careful integration of GenAI into existing systems. While adding GenAI capabilities can bring value, it will not resolve underlying weaknesses in current tools. Bolting GenAI onto a system with poor information retrieval processes will not magically improve the accuracy of results. In fact, without appropriate frameworks like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), the outputs might still be subpar. Companies must ensure that any GenAI deployment is complemented by testing, domain-specific fine-tuning, and continuous monitoring to mitigate risks such as hallucinations and errors​.

Furthermore, aligning GenAI initiatives with business goals rather than IT mandates is critical. In many organizations, business units drive GenAI adoption, as these tools are becoming more user-friendly and accessible to non-technical stakeholders. However, this approach needs close collaboration with IT teams to manage challenges, including explainability, security, and cost management. This could make the difference between a successful implementation of GenAI and a burden for most of your team. 

Last -but definitely not least- organizations must focus on measuring the impact of GenAI deployments. While 41% of companies struggle to define and measure the effectiveness of their GenAI projects, developing standardized evaluation frameworks is essential for demonstrating value. Efficiency gains, cost reductions, and productivity improvements are among the most commonly reported benefits. Still, organizations should also seek to quantify less tangible outcomes, such as enhanced customer experiences and decision-making capabilities .*

*Deloitte United States, Lucidworks.

Conclusion: Embracing the Generative AI Revolution

Generative AI represents a transformative force with the potential to reshape industries and redefine the boundaries of creativity. Staying ahead of the GenAI curve is essential to gain a competitive edge and stay relevant today. 

But wait, does the fact that everybody’s using it mean you should, too? Well, for us, not precisely. Discover what makes your business move and your goals, and see how GenAI can help you achieve that faster, more efficiently, and maybe better. From our experience, applications of GenAI are almost endless, so if you need someone to discover that with you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Digital Sense as your Partner in a Responsible GenAI Future

At Digital Sense, we prioritize ethical and responsible AI development practices. Our team of experts is dedicated to building AI solutions that adhere to best practices, provide better solutions for you, and positively impact our lives. 

By partnering with us, you'll gain access to a team of experts who can help you navigate the complexities of GenAI, identify the most suitable solutions for your specific needs, and ensure responsible implementation that could lead you to maximize your resources as much as possible.


Exploring GenAI for your organization? Let’s discuss your project.